Dual Technologies
Images of Total Magnetic Intensity and Total Field Electromagnetic Intensity. Using both data sets, only anomaly C was consistent with having a UXO source. This discrimination ability using Sub Audio Magnetics (dual sensor technology) was later validated by excavation.
From conventional TMI data only, all five anomalies would have to be investigated as potentially indicating an ordnance hazard.
The two most effective detection technologies are magnetometers and electromagnetic detectors. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
With ready access to both magnetic and electromagnetic detectors, G-tek is in the ideal position of being able to use both sensors in any area where the most critical outcome is required.
While the electromagnetic detector will not register geological anomalies and the magnetic detector will not detect non-ferrous metals, the use of both systems ensures ferrous and non-ferrous UXO will be identified with minimal false alarms.
Dual sensor technology often is used for re-locating objects that have been surveyed by a single technology. The use of multiple sensor technology can give an even greater degree of certainty in detection and effective discrimination.
Currently dual sensor technology means two separate surveys, but SAM technology has undergone US government-sponsored trials for the detection and discrimination of UXO.
Using SAM, magnetic and electromagnetic data are recorded simultaneously and in full registration with the ease of a magnetometer-only survey.